Greater Housten Puppeiry Glld

You are  invited to share  our interest in puppetry   by  joining  the  Greater
Houston Puppetry Guild.    We are puppetry enthusiasts  of  all  descriptions and  ages: professionals, beginners, teachers, librarians, puppet makers  puppet collectors and  people who simply enjoy puppets!

     We come together to share our common interest,  to  learn from  one another, to stimulate  broader public interest in puppetry, and to raise the standards of the Art of Puppetry. We hope that you will join us at one of our meetings which are held every two months at various locations around Houston.

Annual Dues
One AdultNewsletter & 1 vote$20
Two Adults at one address1 newsletter and 2 votes$25
Children under 161 newsletter and no vote$15
Family (2 adults + child)1 newsletter and 2 votes$30
Organizations1 newsletter and 1 vote$30

Guild Activities include:

  • Attend and perform puppet shows, workshops, films and lectures.
  • Receive our newsletter (Jan., March, May, July, Sept., Nov.)
  • Exchange puppetry ideas with other enthusiasts.
  • Meet local puppeteers and visitors from around the world.
  • Receive information on puppetry events here and everywhere.
  • Puppetry Festival

The Greater Houston Puppetry Guild is interested in you!
Do you perform? Do you teach? Just like to watch? 
Whatever the case, if you love puppetry, then this is where you need to be!    Join the  Greater Houston  Puppetry Guild  today! 
Just download an application and mail it in